Saturday 14 November 2009

Hurricane Ida Update Hurricane Ida » ShoutShare

Hurricane Ida Projected Path. the storm is moving Northwest at a rate of six miles per hour, The projected path of ninth tropical storm Hurricane Ida suggests Mexico may be next destination. A warning is in effect for the population of the Southeastern Mississippi and Southwestern Alabama for the winds associated with Hurricane Ida, Hurricane Ida projected path The hurricane Ida has been excelled to a Category 2 storm and extension of hurricane watch | Hurricane Ida Projected Path http://redir. Hurricane Ida Update:Tropical Storm Ida Projected Path-Hurricane Ida update can be found here, GoogleGoogle SearchHurricane Ida Projected Path 2009Hurricane Ida Projected Path 2009The Hurricane Ida path and other information on the natural calamity can be find here, Hurricane Ida is now a minimal category 1 hu! rricane with top winds of 75 mph, Hurricane Ida Path:Hurricane Ida Projected Path 2009 â€" Hurricane Ida path and other information on the natural disaster can be found here, See the image above for the Hurricane Ida projected path, After a while, Louisiana, November 9, 2009, Hurricane Ida Path:Hurricane Ida Projected Path 2009 â€" Hurricane Ida path and other information on the natural disaster can be found here, Florida, Living Conditions, Hurricane Ida Projected Path 2009 â€" Hurricane Ida Path 2009 â€" Hurricane Ida Projected Path, The declaration is a precaution that will enable state , Hurricane Ida which has been downgraded to Tropical Storm Ida is still moving northward toward the Gulf coast at around 9 miles per hour.

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